Dear GROW users, The GROW team has prepared a fun Giveaway event for everyone in our community!
GROW is giving away $5000 in BSC BTC to 51 event winners if the event Tweet gets more than 500 Likes and Retweets!
The winners will be decided by Lucky Draw:
ONE (1) 1st prize winner will receive $500 worth of Fixed Earn in BSC BTC
FIVE (5) 2nd prize winners will receive $300 worth of Fixed Earn in BSC BTC
Fifteen (15) 3rd prize winners will receive $100 worth of Flexible Earn in BSC BTC
Thirty (30) 4th prize winners will receive $50 worth of Flexible Earn in BSC BTC
To participate in this RT event, all you need to do is:
Follow @grow3io. (www.twitter.com/grow3io)
Like & Retweet this event Tweet (Click) with #GROW3IO tagging 3 friends on Twitter.
Submit your GROW account ID and the link to your RT post to the Google Form (https://forms.gle/dQeF39L3DR1BUKq68).
If we fail to reach to the goal of 500 likes and retweets for the event tweet, 10 random participants will still receive $50 in BSC BTC in their Flexible accounts.
Let’s bring your friends and friends of friends to make this Giveaway event successful!
This event will expire after Halloween day, Oct 31, 2022. Event rewards will be distributed by Nov 10th.
Happy Halloween with GROW!
This event can be closed immediately without further notice according to the GROW team.