Dear GROW users,
You may also have crypto assets on Exchange and Wallet service. And whenever you monitor your assets, you have to multitask through the app in a back-and-forth way — that’s such a hassle.
MyCrypto is a service where users can check out their crypto assets on exchanges in one screen by adding the APIs from Exchange and Wallet.
GROW does not manage your wallets on exchanges — simply show the balances using “Read-Only” APIs to make it safe.
GROW provides the guide article explaining how to connect your exchange APIs with the GROW app.
- Please click here to see How to add APIs from Binance.
- Please click here to see How to add APIs from bitFlyer.
Also, GROW provides the guide article explaining how to connect your Wallet with the GROW app. - Please click here to see how to connect ERC-20 Wallet.