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MyCrypto - How to register API from Coinbase

Updated: Sep 29, 2022


If you want to use MyCrypto for Coinbase, you would need to go to the Coinbase Website on PC to check out the Coinbase API, and GROW recommends you to use the Chrome extension while registering for the API. Otherwise, there could be differences from this guide.


How to register Coinbase API

1. Login to Coinbase.

2. Click on your account icon (refer to the picture below) and load the [Settings].

3. Click on [API] tab and [New API Key].

4. Select [All] on Accounts and select ONLY [wallet:accounts:read] on Permissions.

  • Please note that the Secret Key is only displayed when you create a new API.

5. Copy the API Key and the Secret Key.

For conveniently inputting the keys on the GROW mobile app, please send the keys via a mobile messenger you’re using so that you can copy and paste them on mobile.

6. Open the GROW app, click on [TOTAL ASSET] box.

7. Select the [MyCrypto] tab, and click on [+] button.

8. Read the Use Agreement, check the box (I have read and accept), and click on [OK]. 9. Select [Coinbase].

9. Copy the API Key and the Secret Key, and paste it on the GROW app.

For conveniently inputting the keys on the GROW mobile app, please send the keys via a mobile messenger you’re using so that you can copy and paste them on mobile.

Congratulations! Coinbase API registration is completed. Click on the Coinbase to see your crypto assets on Coinbase. If you complete API registration for Coinbase, you can check your crypto assets on each exchange in one screen.

  • Please note that calling the API to sync the wallet data can take up to 15 minutes.


About GROW

Singapore-based GROW offers top-notch reward rates so that clients can safely grow their wealth on a leading global platform for lending and borrowing crypto assets. Additional company information and details on the GROW app can be found by visiting

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